Friday, February 3, 2017

Want to Grow Your Own Cannabis At Home?

Have you ever wanted to grow your own cannabis plants at home? Sure you have! In fact, many of you have probably been doing it for years illegally. Well, for those of you that are living in the great state of Connecticut, you can now legally grow marijuana on your property. Recent laws passed in Connecticut that have legalized marijuana for adult use, meaning that all adults over the age of 21 can use cannabis even without a medical marijuana card. This bill also included decriminalization of the justice system regarding cannabis.

People who have been charged with possession of cannabis in the past few years will now see reduced sentences, and further charges going forward will be non-criminal offenses with a $150 fine. This is super great news, especially when considering that a charge with marijuana possession could entail a $1,000 fine and even one year of jail time. After this bill has been passed, there is no incarceration or criminal record involved with possessing cannabis illegally.

This is super great news to the marijuana community and organizations in Connecticut. What about people in prison in Connecticut who are serving sentences due to marijuana possession some odd years ago? Don’t worry! These people can apply for expungement, which basically means that they could see reduced sentences in their charges or dropped charges altogether. However, it is important to note that these programs take time to set up, so we probably won’t see recreational dispensaries popping up in the state of Connecticut until sometime next year. Regardless, you could always go out and try to obtain a medical marijuana card if you want to jump on the train early. AFter all, Connecticut’s medical mariuana program is very generous to people struggling with a great variety of conditions. 

The other great thing about this bill is how business owners will be decided by the state to own and operate recreational dispensaries. 50% of all cannabis business licenses will be reserved for social equity applicants, which means that half of the licenses will be granted to people of color. Of course, they still need to meet the other requirements for the license, but this is really good news for minorities who would like to own their own recreational cannabis dispensary.

You may be wondering: can I really grow marijuana in my own home in Connecticut now? The answer is yes! However, it is important to note that you have to already own a medical marijuana card to be allowed to legally grow cannabis plants in your home or property. The recreational use of cannabis will not cut it when it comes to growing it yourself.

However, if you are able to do this and qualify, you might save some money in growing your own stuff. Plus, you may find some incredible strains that you can grow yourself and enjoy the benefits. One of my friends grows his own cannabis in the state of Michigan - man, that stuff is so potent! There is seriously so much THC in his marijuana, I don’t really know how he does it. 

So all in all, there is a lot to be excited about if you live in the state of Connecticut and enjoy using cannabis for medical or recreational purposes. Some people rely on medical marijuana to treat their chronic conditions or painful symptoms related to disease. For these patients, marijuana is not just a recreational game for them - it’s seriously about making it through the day and being able to function. Hopefully we can continue to make advancements in the medical marijuaana industry to help even more people!